
Increasing reply rates by sounding like our prospects.


What challenges should we be using in our outreach?

I used to overthink this topic a lot.

And unfortunately, most of us have never done the role we’re selling to.

So we resort to using the challenges that sound like they’ve been written by marketing (jargon terms) or by sales.

When actually we need our emails to sound like they've been written by our customers/prospects.

How to sound like our customers?

Might sound like a difficult task but it’s actually pretttyyyy easy.

Some tactics are more time consuming than other but my 4 go to places are:

  1. Reddit/Forums

  2. Review Platforms

  3. Recorded Calls

  4. Speaking with Customers & Prospects

From these sources we can digest the language & terminology our prospects use & copy it in our outreach.

(I literally mean copy & paste)

While doing this write down your findings & create a “lingo library”.

And 4) is my favourite for doing this… but why?

Speaking with Customers & Prospects

This is my favourite approach as I’m creating relationships while widening my knowledge.

And the thing is, the challenges our prospects face & thus the messaging we use in our emails should adapt over time.

So with this approach I can catch-up with them to understand if their focus’ & challenges are changing over time.

And you’ll honestly be shocked at how many prospects & customers are willing to give up their time to help.

But how do I ask them for their time?

The below is an example I used recently:

Wondering if you could help me out… I’m new to my role & looking to better understand the people & industries I’m “selling to”.

Would you be open to me asking a few questions via email or if you’re feeling generous a quick 10 minutes?

I won't mention Salesloft or what we do, it would purely be an opportunity for me to learn.

No pressure if you're too busy, I completely understand!

You’ll notice I’m being honest, vulnerable & promising not to speak about what I sell.


To increase reply rates we need to be adapting the challenges we use & the way we speak.

Want an example of then how to use customer lingo in an email?

Then check out the first 7 minutes of the 30 Minutes to President's Club webinar I did with Josh Braun here (you can skip to 2m 50s).

I will share some questions to use when interviewing your prospects/customers in my next newsletter post

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